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At Neighbourhood Papermen Ltd, our mission is to fulfil smokers’ enjoyment by distributing, wholesaling, and very soon producing the very best tobacco accessories in the marketplace. We accomplish this in two simple ways. Firstly, by offering our customers their choice of very high quality tobacco accessories available on the market at the best costs possible. Each product evinces a unique style or fills a particular market need. We simply refuse to offer what we deem to be inferior goods to our customers without warning them in advance.

 The second way, is the Neighbourhood objective - to make YOU a LOT of money. We take great pride in marketing our product and we exercise our marketing prowess in many different platforms. Many products we distribute can either be used for resale, for marketing purposes or both. So not only do we offer unique products to tap into different markets, but we also offer products that can be used for a cheaper and cheekier way of marketing.

 In short, we take great pride in finding the right products for each customer and providing the necessary support to foster success.

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